Friday, October 27, 2006

smells and such

dear friends,

as you may know, i am very affected by smell. the wrong smell can make me nearly double over with discomfort. this is usually produced when i smell a woman wearing too much cloyingly sweet perfume, the worst smell in all the world, i think .

so, anyways, being someone who is so affected by smell, it is really painful to me that my car has taken on an odor. i think the smell is dead mouse. i'm not sure how i came to this or why it strikes me as a logical conclusion. in fact, that it strikes me as a logical conclusion causes me no small self-doubt. i mean, who assumes dead mouse?

i have not yet fully investigated the smell, but i plan a full-on exploration of the car. i will keep you apprised.

until then, your smelly friend,


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