Monday, October 23, 2006

shower disaster!

okay, i've been doing some reading and some goofing around on the internet i decided to wash my face to prepare for bed. i really like how clean my face gets when i shower, so that's the plan. in shower, faced washed, decide to use those scrubby gloves i got from miss cutie-B (not use them on my face, mind you, that would hurt).

anyways, you know that three-tier shelf system at the end of my bathtub? well, the gloves are hooked onto one of the metal prongs. i try to un-hinge them gently. barely a tug. not working. the tiniest, i swear, movement to unwriggle them.

and then it happens. a crash greater then the pre-depression stock market crash. the ENTIRE three-tier shelf system crashes into my bathtub with me showering in it. product goes everywhere. mario badescu is completely askew.

now for the element of human tragedy. those shelves are not light. i got pegged by one right on my lower shin. within a few seconds (seriously, not even a minute) it had swelled up and turned a weird color.

i had said to hell with it and left the mess for the morning, but i couldn't stand the thought of the one line of metal prongs that are still in the wall just smirking at me in the morning, so i took a screwdriver out and got rid of them.

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