Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Book Recommendation!

Many years ago (double digit years ago), I got a copy of a devotional book called Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman. I did what any responsible teenager would do when given such a book. I read maybe two days of devotionals and then forgot about it.

Oh, those were the days! But, anyways, I actually bought another copy of it about a month ago, and it is fantastic. Seriously, it's probably my favorite thing ever, besides my nightly bubble bath. But, I'm willing to say this book is even better than the bubble bath, and that's saying a whole lot!

You see, Streams in the Desert (now available in more updated language) is a collection of really great, uplifting devotionals which just give you such peace. And, they take about five minutes to read. That's it. Five minutes.

Who doesn't have five minutes to spare? I promise, you will not regret reading this book. It will make you feel good. It will remind you that God cares about you. It will make you lose five pounds.

Okay, it really doesn't help with weight loss. But those five minutes spent reading are five minutes when you won't be eating...and that's got to be worth something, right? Plus, I promise it will do the other stuff I said it will!

So, go get a copy, and start feeling peaceful!

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