Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ugh-ness and Baseball Updates!

Today I spent all day in bed. Now, before you start thinking that I had some sort of wonderful, lazy Wednesday or that I lounged around while people brought me food or that all I did was watch movies...

Well, there was laziness, but it was mainly the kind of laziness that accompanies being sick and feeling ugh. And I have been feeling ugh. So ugh, in fact, that I didn't go to job number two today. I figured my co-workers and the sweet students I tutor would appreciate not getting whatever I have. Because whatever I have is not fun.

On a somewhat related note, for whatever reason, my students have been getting the most bizarre illnesses. Like, things that I didn't even know you could get. One had Scarlet Fever, and another just emailed to say he has Shingles. I mean, seriously? Where have they been that they've gotten these illnesses? And, more importantly, why do my students come to class when they're sick?

On a happier note, I went to the Cubs game on Tuesday, and it was wonderful. Cubs win. Fantastic. I wore my lucky hat and confirmed that the hat is lucky. Last night they won; tonight they didn't win. Last night I wore the hat; tonight I did not wear the hat. You may say, "Coincidence," but I know better than that. :)

Okay, I'm about to go to bed because I am sick and ugh. In fact, I am in bed as I type. So, perhaps I should say, I'm going to sleep now because I am sick and ugh. But, I've never been one to stress the details...



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