Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Not a Mix-Master

So, a few months ago, I decided to make a little mix of songs that would be good to listen to when I went to sleep. I occasionally have great trouble falling asleep, so I thought it would be worth a shot. And, perhaps this could be a natural way to fall asleep that would even trump those oh-so-nice pills I picked up in Paris awhile ago. [Editor's note: Said pills are totally legal and available over the counter, so I'm not getting too crazy even with those!]

French Pharms aside, the mix seemed a fabulous idea, so I set about putting together some songs that I thought would be nice and mellow. In truth, I'm pretty bad at remembering song titles, so much of the mix is comprised of songs that I somehow remembered to be slow and mellow.

Perhaps my terrible memory was at fault. I'll blame it on that. Because, on playing the mix, I had nightmares. EVERY NIGHT!

That's right. Terrible, horrible nightmares that I don't even really want to talk about, truth be told.

So, I'm not good at making mixes. I will never make you a mix, no matter how much I like you...maybe if I really dislike you though...


Anonymous said...

i would make you a mix. of iron & wine. :)

sara said...

that would be much appreciated! iron & wine would not give me nightmares at all!