Sunday, September 06, 2009

I want to ride my bicycle!

Okay, you guessed it.  This post is about bicycling.  

The other day, spurred on by some odd yet unquenchable desire, I bought a bike.  I had this idea that it would be nice to have the option of biking to school rather than always taking the bus, so I went out and bought a bike.

Now let me tell you a secret.  I'm stinking in love with this bike.  I took it for a test ride, and it was the most amazing biking experience ever.  That, and the bike is just beautiful.  It's a white Gary Fisher with silver designs.  I'm in love.  

I wanted to take it out on a trail, so today after church I went to Lake of the Woods in Mahomet.  It's really close to Champaign but a little more woodsy.  To be honest, I'd really hoped that the park would be a little more removed from houses and things, maybe even that the trail would be a little more rugged, but the area it so pretty that I soon got over my desire to be in the middle of nowhere.  There was even some wildlife, which was really cool.  I saw three small deer, at least one rabbit, squirrels, and (I'm not even kidding) a chipmunk.  A chipmunk, people!  It was too cute.  

So, there I was, riding the bike trail, enjoying nature, and loving my new bike.  It was a gorgeous day, and it was really peaceful out there.  I started going down a really fun hill, speeding up and thinking how cool it was to be so fast and free feeling.  And then, I saw that there was a bike coming my direction.  And on that bike was a little, old man.  Seriously.  I panicked.  I swerved slightly.  Thankfully, we avoided hitting each other.  Sorry for the lack of excitement in this story.  But, what was funny is that, though I was inwardly (and perhaps a little outwardly) freaking out, this little, old guy was completely stoic.  No real change of facial expression at all.  Someday I hope to be that brave.  :)

But, I guess what I liked about going out to ride my bike is that it was such a great thing to do on a Sunday.  I mean, I went to church and had a wonderful time hearing the sermon and singing, being around all those people who are just so sweet.  And then I went out into nature (more or less) and got to take in the beauty of God's world, the beauty He created.  

It makes me think of those verses from Psalms, maybe one of my favorite parts, though most all of them are my favorites.

When I consider your heavens, 

       the work of your fingers, 
       the moon and the stars, 
       which you have set in place,

 what is man that you are mindful of him, 
       the son of man that you care for him?

You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings

and crowned him with glory and honor.

I hope all of you had a wonderful and blessed Sunday.  I love you all so very much!


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