I have nearly 200 posts on this here little blog. So, in honor of that ridiculous number of posts, I'm going to jump the gun and do a list. A list of things about me--silly things, odd things, perhaps even some unknown things.
I know. It's madness! It's self-centered and silly to do a list about oneself. Well, at least I'm owning that. ;)
So, here we go, peeps. A little list of things about me.
1. I am probably the least organized person you could ever meet. My idea of organization involves sort things and putting them into piles. Piles, people. Piles are not orderly. They are piles. But they are the closest thing to order I am usually capable of.
2. I have to sleep in a bed that's been made. I mean, even if I make it right before getting into it. Weird, right? And totally not in keeping with the disorderliness. At all! But, for whatever reason, sleeping in an unmade bed makes me nervous. I need order while I sleep.
3. I like math. I mean, I'm not actually all that interested in math, but I do like the occasional number crunching.
4. I love planning things. Seriously, planning trips, planning menus, whatever. I like finding hotel rooms and good deals on flights. I've been obsessed with finding deals on flights since I was young. I'd read the Sunday
Houston Chronicle and call airlines about the flight deals I'd find in it. I always wanted to go to Europe, so I'd try to find cheap airfare.
5. I don't like board games. "Hate" might actually be a better word for it, but I'd really reserve the word "hate" for card games. I barely even like looking at cards. There are some exceptions. I like Apples to Apples, and I like Cribbage. I also like Trivial Pursuit. But, if I'm with a group of people, I'd so much rather talk than play games. See, I don't hate the player, I hate the game! :)
6. I love the smell of Cherry Blossoms. Love. The trees are so beautiful, and they're one thing that I truly miss about the Midwest. They have the most beautiful spring there...when it finally gets there!
7. I wasn't much of a reader when I was a kid. I just wasn't too interested in reading kid books. For some reason, I had this idea that you got to read the good books when you got older and that reading kid books would just be a real waste of time. So I didn't read.
8. When I started kindergarten, I went to a Christian school. We had chapel the first day, and the music leader started us in a round of "Kumbaya." I'd never heard that song before, and I seriously believed that my parents had dropped me off at a cult. I was terrified of "Kumbaya." The funny thing is that I shared that with a friend who went to the same school, and she admitted that she had been scared too. What a couple of weird kids we were!
9. I have always loved to sing, but when I was a little kid, I had pretty questionable taste in music. My two favorite songs to sing were "Just Call me Angel of the Morning" and "Jose Cuervo." Considering I went to a Baptist preschool, your guess is as good as mine as to where I might have picked up those songs!
10. Sometimes I have teaching nightmares. They're terrifying. Like, I forgot to teach one of my classes all semester, or I hadn't taught them some huge assignment, or I had a ton of grading to do before May 18th. Oh wait. That last one isn't a dream...
11. My favorite Psalm is Psalm 62. It's beautiful. Read it!
12. I don't like being barefoot, so I wear shoes all the time. I especially like Birkenstocks. I like them a lot. A whole lot. And, even though I know they're ugly, part of me thinks they're nice shoes.
13. I like cake better than cupcakes. I think cupcakes are cute, and I have an amazing (amazing!) recipe for chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. Oh, you know you want them now! But, I think a piece of cake is pretty hard to beat.
14. I'm turning into a workaholic. It's true. I also find it impossible to delegate (as if I have anyone to delegate anything to). But, I don't trust people to care about projects as much as I do. So, I like to work sometimes.
15. I love to bake. I have a fierce chocolate cake recipe, and it's super easy. I will make said cake upon request! :)
Okay, those are some things about me. I hope you weren't completely bored!