Monday, November 24, 2008

Inside the Mind of a Blogger...

My boss is really into Meyers-Briggs Personality testing. My friend Sabrina is the same way. And, though I know that Meyers-Briggs isn't even considered reliable by many psychologists, I have to admit that it's my guilty pleasure.

Now, I'm not super obsessed with it or anything; I just think that, after I took a test years ago, the description of my personality type was eerily on target. As in, I couldn't have said it better if I wrote it my own dadgum self. Seriously.

Well, hilariously, now this test can be applied to blogs. Oi. So, of course I had to see what my blog-personality is! Blog-sonality? Perso-blog-anity? Man, it just won't work this time!

Anyways, I did the blog test using both the entire blog address and a modified address using archived posts. You can do it to. Just click here. Here's what I got:

INFP - The Idealists
(This was for the archived posts)

The meaning-seeking and unconventional type. They are especially attuned to making sure their beliefs and actions are congruent. They often develop a passion for the arts or unusal forms of self-expression.

They enjoy work that are aligned to their deeply felt values and tend to strongly dislike the more practical and mundane forms of tasks. They can enjoy working alone for long periods of time and are happiest when they can immerse themselves in personally meaningful projects.

INTP - The Thinkers
(This was for the whole blog address)

The logical and analytical type. They are especially attuned to difficult creative and intellectual challenges and always look for something more complex to dig into. They are great at finding subtle connections between things and imagine far-reaching implications.

They enjoy working with complex things using a lot of concepts and imaginative models of reality. Since they are not very good at seeing and understanding the needs of other people, they might come across as arrogant, impatient and insensitive to people that need some time to understand what they are talking about.

Your Opinions???

Seriously, which do you think is more like me? I know what my "real" personality type is, so take your best guess! ;)

Much love (Like, seriously, tons of love and best wishes and hugs and kisses and such),



Unknown said...

Well, that's interesting - I can totally see you being the INFP, though I would say at times you'd have a bent towards J, especially as it comes to religion and spirituality (which I think can be more a result of upbringing than true personality type). The INTP was interesting too - I can see that holding some truths, but seems to miss all the fun and happy quirkiness that you bring in conjunction with your intellect. What are you?

I have to say my blog is obviously not a true representation of myself. Not surprising really, is it? I find it hard to pin myself when trying represent more than just me in writing. And I seem to constantly be thinking of how to adapt to others instead of remaining the same within myself (though I am a creature of habit). So, I can see how this is what it said of my blog-a-nality. :)

My blog is the - ESFP (The Performers). "The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors, and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don't like to plan ahead - they are always in risk of exhausting themselves. They enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a tangible and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions." (For the record, this is actually my sister's personality to a T and not very reflective of mine at all. Go figure!)

Then it says I was using the SF parts of my brain most when writing. I can see that.

I found that I tricked the Meyers-Briggs test (and a guy who specializes in them) every time I took it for years and years on end (not on purpose, just how I was raised confused the answers). It's only been in the last 2 years that I've been able to discover my true type. But once I found it out, I couldn't believe how accurately it described me. It was like someone crawled into my brain and soul and wrote me down on paper. Cool stuff. What do you think I am?

Unknown said...

You know what else was weird? For individual posts, or a number of archived posts, I kept getting the ISFP (The Artists) type - especially when I seemed to write from my heart. Odd, and yet very much like me in certain ways. I will say for the record though that I completely suck at art - and never have been too interested in it.

I wonder if they have a "discombobulated nonpersonality" for those who have personality confusion disorder. :) I need that one!!

sara said...

Oh, you are totally friendly and entertaining!!! But, I can really see you as an artist too, especially (like you're saying) in those posts when you're writing from the heart. Or, maybe that's because when we tend to be writing from the heart we end up sounding tortured and melancholy. ;) How very artistic. Now you need a beret and and cigarette and a bad French accent to be a real artist. I was always bad at art too though, so don't feel bad!

In truth, I'm the INFP. My boss, of course, sees this apparent in my work. I'm really good at working with students but oh so tragically inept when it comes to getting any paperwork done. Unfortunately, my job has a pretty big paperwork component. And, I'm (of course) behind on it. But the students seem to like me!

So, as for you, I find you entertaining, friendly, and artistic. I think you're pretty right that I lean toward being a J when it comes to religion. I like answers, for goodness sake! And, maybe part of that is that I'm interested in ethics and rights and wrongs. I think you're a bit of a J in that area too, for that matter! :)