Friday, November 07, 2008


I'm supposed to be grading. Actually, I'm supposed to have been grading for the past few weeks.

And yet.

And yet.

Here I am, with so many ungraded papers it's making my head spin! The truth of it is that these papers are very easy to grade. They take almost no time at all to grade, in fact. But, despite how quickly I can grade them, there's just something about grading them all in one shot that's starting to making my brain turn to mush.

So I bought a CD off iTunes.

The fact is, I needed something new to listen to, some new stimulus for me weary old brain. So, I bought a CD by Andrew Osenga. I just learned about him yesterday, and I'm glad I did. He's got a nice, folky sound. Good lyrics. Clean sounds, nothing too muddled or overproduced. I like that. His voice kind of reminds me of Ryan Adams. I like that as well.

Check him out, people!




Unknown said...

I'll grade papers with you anytime!

sara said...

That would be awesome! I've got a whole load of them yet to grade (yet again). Right now I'm grading homeworks. I find grading those to be almost therapeutic because there's nothing to it at all except marking them off in the gradebook. And yes, I use a paper gradebook. I'm old school like that! :)

Unknown said...

Go old school. I say we do everything we can to bring it back. Mrs. Wise would be so proud of us.

And I would totally enjoy grading papers anytime. For real. I always liked doing that kinda stuff. It's the only part of being a teacher I think I'd truly enjoy. Maybe if I told my son's 3rd grade teacher I've been grading college papers she'd start letting me grade for her. Their grading - how shall I put it - leaves MUCH to be desired. Then again, so does the entire public education system of C/S, TX, but I digress (as the children regress). :)

I wonder if your students know how fortunate they are to have you as a prof. Super lucky - I'm tellin ya. I can't wait till you publish your first book!