Monday, November 05, 2007

Real Beauty

My friend, Alanna, sent me a video today, and I think it's definitely worth watching, especially for women, girls, parents of girls, relatives of girls, friends of girls. Well, I guess that makes it worth watching for pretty much anyone.

I love this video because I think it really speaks to how we make girls feel. And, I'm not just talking about "the media" or the "fashion industry," though those are easy to point fingers at. And, hey, it's not even wrong to point fingers at them; they do create a lot of this mess. But, then again, we buy it.

Really, all of us, by buying into these ideas of false beauty, make girls hate themselves. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's just true.

Perhaps it's time to turn to another definition of womanhood and beauty. Maybe Proverbs 31?

That woman is concerned with the needy, treats others fairly, speaks wisdom and kindness, is industrious, and the list goes on. Nowhere are those attibutes shown in the video above. And, we certainly don't tell young women to emulate the Proverbs 31 woman.

So, maybe we should start.

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