Thursday, August 03, 2017

Being the Light

A few years ago a friend asked me if I was an Evangelical. I really had no idea how to answer. I'd only recently started taking faith seriously after a long and somewhat misspent lapse of most of the years of my life. I wanted to say "no" because "Evangelical" sounded like the last thing I wanted to be. My friend was more interested in whether or not I was trying to proselytize him, so I answered, "If I am, I'm not a very good one."

Witty and to the point. And, unfortunately, a little too accurate. I'm almost never one to share my faith. I stay away from it the same way I stay away from most (all) controversies. Over the past few years that has started to bother me. I wonder why I don't share my faith, and I think that a big part of it is that I don't think I'm sure enough, strong enough, good enough. And, frankly, I don't want to make waves. I'd rather dive under the wave where it's safe and calm.

When I thought about this problem tonight, another image came to mind though.  I saw myself as a light, a small candle. And that light just wasn't bright enough.   However, as I thought about this image a little more, I realized that even a small light can bring a little brightness to places where it's dark. So maybe I should be that little light.