I know that a lot of you live in places that, while beautiful, are devoid of seasons. I used to be one of you. I know how you feel. You feel a little cheated, a little sad, a little like you lost out on the geographical lottery.
Yeah, I used to be that way too. But, then I moved here, and, honestly, seasons are overrated. Sure, they’re pretty, but winter…
Oh, winter. It lasts stinkin’ forever. And it’s nothing like a winter wonderland. It’s kind of awful at times.
Okay, enough with the pity party. Because I know that all the seasonally-deprived readers might want to see what autumn looks like, I took some pictures.
I took a little walk around my neighborhood, and this is what I saw.
Please note the name of the park. (That’s a little shout-out to my Nana).
Sometimes, you’ve got to look down to see the really pretty leaves.

But, sometimes (before they all fall off) you have to look up.
And, just to let you know, even in this season of changes, some little things stay the same.