Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today is Mother's Day. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to say "Happy Mother's Day" to my mom.

Thank you for being my mom and for putting up with me for this long. Thank you for all your prayers, for never bothering me about being religious but for, instead, trusting in God that someday I would understand. Thank you for not insisting that I choose a practical major in college. Thank you for being there when I need to talk.

All of those things are amazing. But I refuse to thank you for always copying me. So, no thank you for getting matching purses, sunglasses, lipstick colors, jeans, and shoes with me. Seriously, lady, I know I'm fashionable, but we've got to stop dressing alike. :)

But, anyways, happy Mother's Day. I love you.


Sara Anna